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IBM Diversity & Access Scholarship


By completing this application, you will be considered for IBM Diversity & Access Scholarship subject to meeting the following eligibility criteria.


To be eligible for the Scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be female; and
  • Be enrolled or intending to enrol in the UTS Business School Master of Business Administration degree (C04018); and
  • Meet at least one of the following criteria:

    • Be of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander decent and provide either:

      • a Confirmation of Aboriginality from a Local Aboriginal Land Council or other Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisation;
      • a UTS Statutory Declaration form accompanied by two written references from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people from the applicant’s community who can confirm their identity and are not an immediate family member; OR
    • Have experienced one or more educational disadvantages evidenced by either submitting a Universities Admission Centre (UAC) Equity Scholarship (ES) application or providing a personal statement outlining:

      • facing financial hardship; and/or
      • care responsibilities;
      • English language difficulty;
      • Indigenous Australian;
      • long-term medical condition, disability, or ongoing effect of abuse;
      • refugee status;
      • regional or remote background;
      • sole parent
  • apply for this Scholarship online using the UTS Scholarship Application Form; and
  • be available to attend an interview either in person or via Zoom.

Before starting your application

Prepare your written statements (maximum of 300 words each) in a text document, do not use any special formatting in your statements (i.e. no bullet points, numbering etc).

  • What motivated you to pursue Master of Business Administration at UTS and how would you describe your motivation to succeed in your studies?
  • What are your career goals and aspirations in a career in business, and how do you intend to achieve these?
  • Tell us about situations when you used entrepreneurial initiative and sought opportunities to continually advance your professional and personal life.
  • Please describe your motivation to implement long-term goals to overcome adversity.

Outcome Notification

Applicants will be contacted regarding the outcome of their scholarship application within 4-6 weeks of applications closing.

Need help?

If you need help with your application, have a question, or would like to make a change to your application, please contact:

UTS Scholarships Office